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Rio Grande TASO Football Chapter

Rio Grande Football Chapter
Policies and Procedures 2020
This organization shall be known as the Rio Grande Chapter of the Texas Association of Sports Officials (TASO) – Football Division.
The purpose of this Policy and Procedures document is to supplement the Rio Grande Chapter Constitution and to provide more specific details for conducting Rio Grande Chapter TASO-Football business.
III: BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND ELECTIONS OF OFFICERS AND DIVISION REPRESENTATIVES The Board of Directors shall consist of 6 Officers, 8 Division Representatives and the Laredo area representative.
The following 3 officers are elected yearly and serve one-year terms:
• President,
• 1 st Vice President
• 2 nd Vice President
The following 2 officers are elected bi-annually and serve two-year terms:
• Secretary elected in odd numbered years
• Treasurer elected in even numbered years
The retiring president shall become the Immediate Past President for a total of 6 officers.
Officers shall be elected (if needed) by a majority of the votes cast online. The new officers will assume their positions at 12:00 AM on January 1st of the following year.
The members in each of the five divisions established by TASO Football shall elect representatives to serve on the Board of Directors. Each of the Division Representatives shall be elected by a majority of the members present in their division at the first meeting in the month of November to take office at 12:00 AM January 1st.
The following 3 Division Representatives are elected bi-annually in odd numbered years and serve two-year terms:
• Division 1, Place 1
• Division 2, Place 1
• Division 3, Place 1
• Laredo Area Representative
The following 5 Division Representatives are elected annually and serve one-year terms:
• Division 1, Place 2
• Division 2, Place 2
• Division 3, Place 2
• Division 4 Representative
• Division 5 Representative
If there is no one eligible to serve as Division Representative in a particular division or area representative, then the membership at large will elect the Division Representative(s) so there will be 8 Division Representatives and 1 Laredo Area representative on the Board of Directors.
If a member of the Board of Directors (Officer or Division Representative) needs to be replaced. The replacement will be appointed by the President but must be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors. When a member of the Board of Directors has three unexcused absences the Board of Directors will consider having him/her replaced.
A. All varsity game assignments will be made directly through the chapter Secretary as the chapter’s assigning authority to include all play-off games. Failure to follow this procedure may result in sanctions imposed on officials accepting game assignments from sources other than the chapter’s assigning authority. The Secretary shall handle all replacements of varsity game officials as required.
B. The Secretary must be an ACTIVE/AUXILIARY member with TASO-Football. This requirement ensures the Secretary as the assigning authority and the Board of Directors are covered under the TASO Liability Insurance.
C. All sub-varsity game assignments will be made through sub-varsity assigners, authorized and vetted by the Board of Directors. The sub-varsity assigners will handle all replacements of sub-varsity game officials as required.
D. All varsity and sub-varsity assignments will be entered into RefTown for members to accept/decline the assignment.
If it is discovered and verified by the Board of Directors that a member declined or failed to report for a TASO game assignment to officiate a non-TASO football game; that member shall appear before the Board of Directors. The following disciplinary actions may be imposed:
• 1 st violation – 1 week suspension of game assignments
• 2 nd violation – 2 week suspension of game assignments
• 3 rd violation – 1 month suspension of game assignments or termination of membership
A. Every football official whose application is approved by the TASO state office shall be admitted as a Division 5 member or an Auxiliary member. To be eligible for membership, an applicant must be least 16 years of age at the time the application is submitted. A member under the age of 18 may only be assigned to 7th – 9th grade games, chain crews, (any level), or a clock operator (any level).
B. Application for membership shall be made online at a nonrefundable application fee of set by TASO must accompany each application. In addition to the application fee, an applicant who is accepted for membership must pay the current annual dues
C. An ACTIVE MEMBER is a member that has met all requirements as follows:
1. Completed the on-line application process
2. Passed the Criminal History report
3. Completed any UIL requirement
4. Application has been approved by the state office of TASO-Football
5. Is a member of the Rio Grande Chapter of TASO-Football
A. Membership renewals shall be made online at
B. The membership year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 Page 6 of 18 Rio Grande Football Chapter Policies and Procedures 2020
C. Dues and late fees for membership for each Division shall be set by TASO:
1. New Members: set by TASO
2. Auxiliary Members: set by TASO
3. Renewal Members: set by TASO
4. Late Renewing/Auxiliary Members: regular dues plus Late Fee
D. Renewal dues are to be remitted by the member to State Office by the date set by TASO.
E. State TASO dues are due as outlined by TASO State Office.
F. Local dues are set by the Rio Grande Chapter Board of Directors at the first Board of Directors meeting of the year and are due by mm/dd/yyyy.
G. No member will be assigned any varsity or sub-varsity games who has not been approved by State Office TASO, or paid his/her local dues.
A. The Board of Directors of the Rio Grande Chapter requires the crew chiefs to have their crew members obtain a score of 90% or higher prior to August 15th. Must be an active member and must pass the Rules and Mechanics exam with a minimum score of 90% before working a varsity game assignment.
B. The member must receive credit for at least one TASO-Football Approved Rules Clinic the Sunday prior to their first game of the current season. Failure to meet this requirement will make the member ineligible to officiate varsity games.
C. A TASO approved Rules Clinic Session is defined as credit for:
1. At least 4 hours of classroom breakouts at the State Meeting plus attendance at the General Rules Session at the TASO Football Annual Meeting
2. Attendance at a TASO-Football approved Regional Rules Clinic or
3. Completion of an approved on-line course d. A new member is considered an ACTIVE/ELIGIBLE member and must comply with items a, b and c BEFORE he/she may be assigned or officiate a varsity game
4. A member may not officiate more than one varsity contest in a span of one calendar day.
5. No TASO member shall officiate any UIL sanctioned varsity game with non-TASO members. (Member may be subject to suspension, fine, or expulsion for multiple infractions).
6. Any member of a crew that misses 50% or more of their varsity games for the first half selection( Weeks 0-5 or 1-6 depending on how the weeks are assigned) will be suspended for the 2nd half selection of games (weeks 6-10 or 7-11( and any playoff game(s).
7. Any member of a crew that misses 50% or more of their games for the 2nd half selection of games (weeks 6-10 or 7-11) will be suspended from any playoff game(s).
8. If selections are done one time per year any member of a crew that misses 50% halfway thru the season with be suspended for the rest of the season and playoff game(s).
9. Any member of a crew who was medically unable to carry out their games, may ask the board to be reinstated if they show proof of medical injury and a doctor’s report that they are able return to officiate games.
A. Must be a member in good standing and must take and pass the Rules and Mechanics exam or New Member’s Test with a minimum score of 80% prior to August 15th before they can be assigned a sub-varsity game.
B. The member (not including new members) must receive credit for at least one TASO-Football Approved Rules Clinic prior to the first game of each season.
C. All TASO Football Approved Rules Clinics will be available to new members at no charge.
D. No TASO member shall officiate any UIL sanctioned sub-varsity game with non-TASO members. (Member may be subject to suspension, fine, or expulsion).
A. The Rio Grande Chapter of TASO has adopted a system of selection based on the crew concept which will consist of five (5) or seven (7) member crews.
B. Each team must consist of members in good standings from the Rio Grande Chapter.
C. The method of selection can be changed only by a majority vote of the regular membership present.
D. The Board of Directors approves the crews and has the discretion to limit the number of crews or the number of games a crew can work for a particular school at the varsity level only.
E. Officials shall be selected on a convenient date or dates prior to or during the season as determined by the Board of Directors.
F. At the selection meetings any Board Member may be present. The Board may approve Non-Board Members if help is needed.
G. All schools serviced by the Rio Grande Chapter shall be present for the selection of officials. As each set of schools reserve the right to agree on a crew of officials; the crew has the right to set parameters for which days of the week and which schools they may or may not work for.
A. Crew chief will notify Chapter Secretary that a replacement on the crew is needed and the position needed.
B. Chapter Secretary will advise the crew chief of possible replacements at that position.
C. Crew chief will select several officials as possible replacements.
D. Chapter Secretary will contact the possible replacements to ensure they are available to fill the vacancy.
E. Chapter Secretary will contact both coaches to inform them a replacement of an official on the crew is needed and the recommended officials available and secure their agreement for the replacement.
F. Chapter Secretary will notify the crew chief of the agreed upon replacement. Crew chief will then advise the replacement official.
G. The Chapter Secretary will fill emergency vacancies if possible. In case the Chapter Secretary is unable to fill a last-minute emergency vacancy that varsity crew will consist of 4 or 5 officials.
A. Crews are established to be set for the entire season unless the referee releases a crew member.
B. If a crew member wants to be on another crew, his/her current referee must notify the Chapter President by email that he will release that crew member so he/she may be eligible to join another crew if approved by the Board of Directors.
C. If that crew chief does not agree to release that official, that official may not join another crew even if he/she quits the current crew until the following season. He/she may petition the Board of Directors to fill an existing vacancy on a crew to which the Board will have the final decision.
D. A crew member may be removed for not being an active member in good standing with the chapter or due to disciplinary action against that crew member, but not for any other reason.
A. For sub-varsity games, when a member fails to notify the appropriate assignor 24 hours in advance of his absence that member will be assessed a no-show fee of $35 due to the assigner. Non-payment of this fee or multiple no shows could lead to the member being brought before the Board of Directors and possibly be determined as a member not in good standing with the chapter.
B. If a member rejects a game assignment when the calendar showed “Available” or “Assumed Available” that member will pay a $20.00 fee to the assigner. It is the member’s responsibility to update his/her calendar. Non-payment of this fee or multiple rejections of assignments in this manner could lead to the member being brought before the Board of Directors and possibly be determined as a member not in good standing with the chapter. The assignor may reassign this member’s future assignments to other members.
It is essential that all TASO football officials dress in a consistent manner. All members of a crew must be similarly dressed. For all varsity games the uniform worn by all officials shall include the following:
A. SHIRT - Standard black and white knit, long tail, 2¼ inch vertically striped officials' long and short sleeve shirts with pocket on the left breast (without emblem or numbers, other than small manufacturer’s logo) and complete with knit black “Byron” collar and black cuffs. Mesh shirts may be worn if entire crew is so garbed.
B. PANTS - The pants shall be full length black pants. The pants must include a 1 ¼ inch white strip on the seam of the leg, must not be cuffed, and must continue to the shoe without a break.
C. SOCKS – When wearing approved pants, officials will wear black socks
D. SHOES AND BELT – Predominantly black shoes with black laces and appropriate soles or cleats. A black belt, a minimum of one and one-quarter inches and a maximum of two inches in width shall be worn.
E. CAP - Brooklyn style solid black cap with traditional narrow white piping (without emblem or numbers, other than small manufacturer’s logo) shall be worn by all but the Referee, who shall wear a Brooklyn style solid all-white cap (without emblem or numbers, other than small manufacturer’s logo). The cap shall be oriented with the bill facing forward and squarely covering the forehead of the official. For state championship games only, the logo of a sanctioning body may appear on the front two panels.
F. FOUL MARKER - All officials shall be equipped with a light gold foul marker, 15" X 15" and weighted in the center with pebbles, sand or beans and worn INCONSPICUOUSLY.
G. BEAN BAGS - All officials will be equipped with one or more white or black bean bags for marking spots. Bags shall be filled with pebbles, sand or beans. The entire crew must use the same color of bean bag.
H. JACKETS – Jackets are not considered part of the official uniform. EXCEPTION: Alternate Officials before entering the game.
I. UNDERSHIRTS - All undershirts which show should be black. Long sleeved undershirts shall only be worn with long sleeve standard official’s shirt.
J. GLOVES - Gloves when worn shall be black.
K. NUMBERS, LETTERS, AND EMBLEMS – A 2” x 33/8” American Flag will be worn on the left sleeve and a 2” x 33/8” Texas Flag will be worn on the right sleeve. A standard TASO patch as prescribed by the TASO Football Board of Directors shall be worn above the left breast pocket.
L. The crew may opt to wear letters or plackets for Varsity games only. The plackets must be worn by the entire crew and must be securely affixed to the back of the shirt, centered 3” below the collar. The letters shall align with the TASO mechanics manual, i.e. R, U, H, L, B, S and F. All other numbers, letters, and emblems visible on uniform or equipment are prohibited, except as may be specifically directed by the TASO Football Board of Directors or the TASO Executive Director. Requests for memorial or other special insignia or emblems must be submitted to the Executive Director for approval.
M. HELMETS – A protective helmet may be worn by the Umpire. When worn, helmets will be black, without a bill and must be fitted and secured with a black chin strap which must be secured when the ball is in play.
N. MICROPHONES - Microphones for officials other than the R are prohibited.
O. Protected wireless communication systems open only to the crew and observers may be allowed if approved by TASO prior to use on the field. Below are the standards, along with a brief explanation, that all crew systems must meet in order to be considered for approval. A list of approved systems is available in the Member’s Portal at and available for crew use without prior approval. While other radio systems may meet the standards below, if they are not on the approved list, they may not be used without written approval from TASO.
• Private transmission. Radios must provide a system of “privacy codes” which allow for private communication and conversation within the system while also reducing interference.
• Push to talk operation only. Allows more focus by officials without the distraction of open microphones.
• Paired with headset and microphone.
• Water resistant.
• Black or black & white are the only acceptable colors.
A "summer uniform" is approved for wearing in scrimmages and sub-varsity games, in accordance with Chapter policy, but all in the crew must wear the same uniform. A “summer uniform” is a traditional uniform with black shorts with a 1 ¼ inch white stripe down the side. Black socks will be worn with the black shorts.
Any violation of the Traditional or Summer uniform may be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Directors to include, but not limited to: suspension, fine or expulsion. Members will have the right to appeal as provided by State By-Laws.
A chapter may:
1. Promote the services of that Chapter, via US mail or e-mail by the President and/or Secretary for the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee of the Chapter. Copies of the chapter’s letter/package promotions must be sent to the District Director, the Division President and the TASO Executive Director.
2. The chapter president or chapter secretary may contact coaches/athletic directors by telephone or in person (by appointment only) for the legal promotions of services. The members are prohibited from direct or indirect contact of coaches/athletic directors.
Members SHALL NOT:
3. Influence, request or communicate, directly or indirectly, with a coach, athletic director, assigning authority or an athletic governing body to enhance the opportunity for ones’ assignments in contests which are assigned by any TASO Chapter
4. Give, accept or exchange any gift, favor or thing of monetary value or personal gain for possible assignment of any official to a game.
5. Discredit the ability, performance, or criticize the assignment of another official or team of officials to gain the opportunity of assignment for his/her self or another member.
6. An individual member, or chapter designated representative, SHALL NOT criticize or censure the ability of other officials.
7. No member should discuss, any chapter business or discussion at chapter meetings, with any coach, athletic director, or make public statements concerning such items.
8. No member should discuss or criticize the performance of any official with any coach, athletic director, a member of the media or post on any social media.
Any violation of the Solicitation Policy may be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Directors to include, but not limited to: suspension, fine or expulsion. Members will have the right to appeal as provided by State By-Laws.
Any misconduct by Board members will be addressed by State office or the Board of Directors as advised by State Office. Misconduct by regular membership will be addressed by the Board of Directors.
A. The meeting schedule shall be determined by the Board of Directors each year. This shall include dates, time, and location.
B. All members must attend at least 80% of the Chapter's regularly scheduled meetings in order to work varsity football games during the ensuing year. No member with more than 2 unexcused absences will be eligible to work varsity games the ensuing year. Excuses will be limited to sickness, injury, employment requirements, or death in the family. Excuses must be turned into the Chapter Secretary via email prior to the next meeting after the absence.
C. The secretary or his/her representative and the Division Representatives will be responsible for maintaining attendance and ensuring that all members meet the 80% attendance requirement. If a member fails to comply with the 80% attendance rules, he will not be eligible to be on a crew the ensuing year. Exceptions and excuses to this rule must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors and approved by the Board of Directors.
D. To be a Member in good standing and eligible to vote or be eligible for the playoffs, a member must be in attendance to seven (7) meetings during the current year. Any meeting that counts 2 or more points may be substituted for a meeting missed. Exceptions and excuses to this rule must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors and approved by the Board of Directors.
E. Attendance will be captured using methods deemed approved by the Board:
1. Complaints involving chapter members shall be resolved by one of the following methods:
a. By any reasonable manner set forth in the Chapter By-laws if the matter is reconciled with no sanctions to an individual.
b. By a due process hearing which includes:
1. Timely notice
2. An opportunity to appear before the decision-making authority
3. Presentation of witnesses in their behalf to give information
4. To cross-examine witnesses providing information against them in the event there could be chapter sanctions pending.
2. The initial decision-making body may be one of the following:
a. The Chapter Board of Directors
b. A subcommittee of board members
c. A committee of chapter members.
3. Chapter By-laws must contain procedures for selecting a subcommittee of board members, or a committee of chapter members (each hereinafter called committee), and for determining the number of persons to sit on it.
4. Chapter options:
a. The Chapter may reserve all disciplinary or ethics matters for determination by the full Board of Directors
b. Committee powers may be limited to investigation with a report to the full Board of Directors.
c. The Chapter may delegate decision-making authority to a committee.
d. The Chapter may require the first level of appeal of a committee decision be to the full Chapter Board of Directors or directly to the Division level.
e. The Chapter Board may choose to make the decision of the committee final as to disposition within the Chapter, or the Chapter may make the committee decision appealable to the full Chapter Board of Directors.
f. There shall be no more than one committee within any one Chapter with ethics responsibility.
5. Notice means written notice, mailed "Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested" to the respondent at the most recent address furnished to the Chapter Secretary, e-mailed to the most recent e-mail address furnished to the Chapter Secretary, or hand delivered to the respondent that shall contain the following:
a. Date or dates of alleged infraction(s)
b. Description of alleged infraction(s)
c. Name of person initiating action unless determined to be confidential in accordance with following rules governing same
d. Identification of provision of constitution, bylaws, or rules involved
e. The day, time and location of the hearing
f. The range of action that may be taken as a result of the proceedings
g. In the absence of good cause shown, that failure to attend the hearing will terminate the respondent’s rights to appeal any discretionary decision of the committee.
6. A respondent shall be given not less than 5 days notice of any chapter hearing, which might result in action adversely affecting the respondent.
7. Notice by "Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested" shall be presumed to be received by a respondent 5 days after deposit in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid and addressed to the respondent's address contained in the official roster book of the chapter or Division. Notice by e-mail will be presumed received by a respondent after 2 days sent and addressed to the respondent's e-mail address contained in the official roster book of the chapter or Division.
8. At any stage during which new testimony or evidence is to be presented to a decision making body, the respondent shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be present during all proceedings involving evidence or testimony, the right to have another person represent them or to be represented by legal counsel, the right to a full disclosure of all evidence presented to the decision making body, or to a member of the decision making body, the opportunity to controvert all evidence against them, the opportunity to present witnesses in their behalf, and the right to cross examine all adverse witnesses, subject to limitations necessary to protect the confidentiality of a complainant or witness to be set out below. These Hearings may be in a face-to-face meeting, video conference or teleconference.
9. Persons who initiate an ethics inquiry shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be present during all proceedings involving evidence or testimony, the right to have another person represent them or to be represented by legal counsel, the right to a full disclosure of all evidence presented to the decision making body, or to a member of the decision making body, the opportunity to present witnesses in their behalf and the right to cross examine all respondent's witnesses, subject to limitations necessary to protect the confidentiality of a complainant or witness to be set out below.
10. The Hearing should be conducted generally in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised. However, bearing in mind the requirement of a basic sense of fairness, the chair may conduct the meeting in any way that results in a fair and orderly proceeding.
11. Rules of Civil or Criminal Courts do not apply and hearsay evidence, affidavits, parole, and other forms of evidence not normally admissible in courtrooms may be admissible, provided disclosure is made to the respondent who shall have a reasonable opportunity to controvert such evidence.
12. The presiding officer is responsible for insuring an accurate record is made of all Hearings and that such record is available to all parties so long as an appeal is permissible under these guidelines. Failure to make and maintain an adequate record may be grounds for dismissal of a matter and/or the initiation of a separate ethics procedure against the person who failed to maintain accurate records.
13. Any person displaying disruptive conduct, including legal counsel, may be barred from the proceeding.
14. Confidentiality of Certain Complainants or Witnesses
a. TASO, as well as each Division and/or Chapter shall determine and set out in its By-laws the person or persons (President/Committee Chair/specific vote of board or committee) necessary to determine that in the best interest of the sport (not chapter or individual members), the identity of a complainant or witness should not be disclosed to a respondent or other persons provided the respondent shall be furnished with the full statement of such undisclosed person as used by the decision making body and the respondent shall be provided the opportunity to submit written questions to the decision making body for submission to the undisclosed person or persons.
b. The Hearing’s Chairperson is responsible for making the decision as to confidentiality and may alter or modify the questions submitted:
1. To clarify
2. To eliminate duplicate, argumentative, or irrelevant questions
3. Eliminate questions designed primarily to determine the identity of the undisclosed person prior to submission to said person. The respondent shall be provided with copies of the questions as submitted and an opportunity to supplement. Questions that go to the heart of the respondent's defense may be reworded but not omitted. Questions may be added provided both questions and answers are made available to the respondent within 7-days of the notification.
c. The Hearing body shall not consider the testimony or evidence of an undisclosed person who did not provide written responses to questions provided to them under this section.
15. Time Limits
a. In the absence of a specific request from the Division Board, the TASO, the University Interscholastic League (UIL), or the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS), a chapter may not discipline a respondent for an event that occurred more than one year to the initiation of the request.
b. In the absence of good cause shown, a Division or Chapter should complete its investigation and hearing process within 180-days of the occurrence of the event or within 90-days of the disclosure of the event on which the charge was made, whichever is later. Good cause shown would include delays requested by the respondent or necessitated by verified illness sufficient to prohibit participation by necessary persons. However, due to the fact that TASO uses volunteer members as investigators and hearing committees, exceeding this time limit shall not be used to terminate the process.
c. At the chapter level, a respondent shall have 30-days within which to present an appeal, to the next highest level, of a decision resulting in action detrimental to the respondent.
16. Chapter Appeals
a. Final Chapter level action may be appealed to the Division. The respondent shall have 30- days to make the appeal. The appeal shall be made in writing to the District Director and the Division President.
b. The respondent's District Director shall review all appeals to the Division for compliance with these procedures and to insure basic fairness to all parties and, within 10-days, shall either return the appeal to the Chapter with a written explanation of the procedures the Chapter failed to follow or forward the appeal to the appropriate Division Board.
c. If the District Director finds errors in the Chapter process, the Chapter should take such corrective action, as recommended by the District Director, within 30-days or the matter shall be terminated in favor of the respondent.
d. The appropriate TASO body shall set the matter for Hearing not less than 30-days nor more than 90-days after receiving notice of the appeal from the respondent.
e. The Chapter shall provide copies of all records including proposed disciplinary action to the District Director within 10 days of being notified of the appeal.
17. Division Board Appeal Hearing
a. The Division President will schedule the Hearing either at the next meeting of the Board or may conduct the hearing via conference call.
b. The Executive Director will provide the Division Board a copy of chapter’s records and the proposed disciplinary action recommended by chapter.
c. The respondent and complainant will have the opportunity to address the Division Board regardless if the meeting is held in person or via some other communication method. If either party is not available at the hearing scheduled time, they may send a statement to the Executive Director who will distribute it to the Board.
d. The respondent may reject the proposed disciplinary action and have the case determined by the TASO Board.
18. TASO Board Appeal Hearing
a. The TASO Board Chairman will schedule the Hearing either at the next meeting of the Board or may conduct the hearing via conference call.
b. The Executive Director and/or a designee will provide the TASO Board a copy of the investigators reports, and the proposed disciplinary action recommended by the Division Board.
c. The respondent and complainant will have the opportunity to address the TASO Board regardless if the meeting is held in person or conference call. If either party is not available at the Hearing scheduled time, they may send a statement to the Executive Director who will distribute it to the TASO Board.
d. The TASO Board may accept the action recommended by the Executive Director and Division President or may revise the action in any manner them deem necessary.
e. The Executive Director will notify both the respondent and complainant of the Division Board’s decision to be delivered at the last known address(es) by regular mail and other verifiable delivery service, return receipt requested.
f. The decision of the TASO Board is final and there is no further appeal.
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