Rio Grande TASO Football Chapter

Constitution Rio Grande Chapter of TASO-Football
Article II Purpose
This organization shall be known as the Rio Grande Chapter of the Texas Association of Sports Officials - Football, a division of the Southwest Officials Association, Inc. A Texas non-profit corporation, dba Texas Association of Sports Officials, hereafter referred to as TASO.
Article II Purpose
The purpose of the Association shall be to foster and promote national and international amateur sports competitions in the game of football by:
(a) Advancing the ideals of good sportsmanship and fair play through
qualified officiating in football and respect for the authority of
football officials at all levels of competition:
(b) Providing educational programs to advance the skills of football
officials at all levels of competition
(c) Conducting public information programs that will encourage an appreciation for the skill and competence of football officials
(d) Placing special emphasis on developing concepts of good sportsmanship among the youth of the nation, both as competitors and as spectators
(e) Conducting studies and analyses of football rules to identify sources of officiating problems and seek solutions in cooperation with appropriate rule making bodies:
(f) Developing and maintaining a membership consisting of experienced and capable football officials whose integrity is above reproach and who are actively engaged each year in officiating games.
(g) Fostering a high standard of ethics, encouraging fair play, sportsmanship, close cooperation, and better understanding among officials, athletic representatives, coaches, players, athletic
directors and the press.
Article III Area serviced by the Rio Grande Chapter
The area serviced by the Rio Grande Chapter is comprised of Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr, Willacy, Zapata, and Webb Counties, and any other area that might be assigned by UIL.
Article IV Affiliation with TASO
The Rio Grande Chapter is governed by the Constitution and By-laws of TASO. The TASO Constitution and By-laws take precedence over the Rio Grande Chapter Constitution and By-laws.
Article V Officers-Board of Directors
(a) The officers of the Rio Grande Chapter shall be a President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. They shall be elected and hold office as provided in the Constitution and by-laws. The Secretary and Treasurer will serve two years terms.
(b) The Board of Directors shall total fourteen members, to wit five officers, eight directors without office and the immediate Past President.
(c) The secretary may appoint a recording secretary to take minutes at regular meetings and to help the secretary with reports as necessary. This position is a non-board member position.
Article VI Election of Officers and Board of Directors
(a) The President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President., Secretary, Treasurer and Board Members shall be elected by majority of the members present at the first meeting in the month of November, to take office on January 1st of the ensuing year.
(b) The retiring President shall automatically become the Past President and serve on the board of Directors for the following year.
(c) The members in each of the five divisions established by TASO Football shall elect representatives to serve the Board of Directors. Each of the Division representatives shall be elected by majority of the members present in their division at the first meeting in the month of November to take office January 1st. Board Members are as follows: Division 1- 2 Representatives, Place 1 and Place 2. Division 2 2 Representatives, Place 1 and 2, Division 3- 2 Representatives, Place 1 and 2. Division 4- 1 Representative, Division 5- 1 Representative. If there is no one eligible to serve on the Board of Directors in a particular division, then the membership will elect the Director or Directors at large so there will always be five directors other than the officers. Place 1 is odd numbered years and serves two year terms and Place 2 even numbered years and serves a one year term. One board of director to represent Laredo area and have full Board privileges. He will be elected by Laredo area membership and will serve a two year term.
d) The President, 1st Vice President, and 2nd Vice President, will be elected on the yearly basis.
The Secretary will be elected for a two year term on odd numbered years. The Treasurer will be elected for a two year term on even numbered years.
(e) The nominating committee shall give its report for the membership's consideration the last meeting in October.
(f) The nominating committee chairperson will be in charge of the election process under the direction of the Board.
(g) Any member may make nominations from the floor, and nominations shall not close as long as any member wishes to make a nomination on Election Day.
(h) A Board member replacement will be appointed by the President, but must be approved by a majority of the board. When a Board Member has three unexcused absence the Board may elect to have him replaced.
Article VII General
The qualifications for membership and the duties of Officers and Directors and such regulation as may be necessary and proper for the conduct of business and affairs of the Rio Grande Chapter, TASO shall be provided for in the By laws; such Bylaws serving as an addendum to the Constitution.
Article VIII Amendments to the Constitution and By-laws
(a) The constitution and By-laws may be amended at the first meeting in the month of November by an affirmative vote of three fourths of the votes cast, providing that at least 25% of the regular membership votes online.
(b) Any proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Chairman of the Constitution Committee no later than the 15th of October.
(c) Elections may be performed online and Chapter members in good standing with TASO and Rio Grande Chapter are eligible to vote.
(d) The election will be open for online voting on the 2nd Sunday of November and close on the following Thursday. Nominating committee will report to the chapter the results via e-mail.
Article I President
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Board of Directors. He shall conduct all negotiations in behalf of the Chapter in conjunction with the Secretary and shall make every possible effort to further the policies adopted by the association.
Article II Vice President
The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence or inability to act. He shall serve as program chairman, parliamentarian, and work with the chief training officer for the association. He will be responsible to implement the programs as provided by the training officer.
Article III 2ndVice President
The 2nd Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in case of the absence of the President and Vice President and assist in the training of new members under the direction of the training officer.
Article IV Past President
The Past President shall perform the duties of the President in case of the absence ofthe President, Vice President and the 2nd Vice President.
Article V Secretary
The Secretary shall handle all replacements of varsity game officials as required.
The Secretary shall diligently investigate all complaints against members and shall present to the board of Directors all evidence he may produce. The Secretary may be requested to handle certain other business as directed by the Board of Directors. The Secretary has the authority to communication with Athletic Directors or Coach as need to ensure coverage of all games and any other business that might be required.
(a) The secretary will be paid a fee for his services at a rate set by the Board of Directors, not to exceed five thousand dollars provide funds are available. It is recommended he be paid a fee per game assigned.
(b) He will be paid from the General Fund Account, provided fund are available.
Article VI Treasurer
The treasurer shall have charge of collections and disbursements of all fees and dues authorized by the Chapter and shall place all receipts of the Chapter into two funds from which disbursements shall be made. He shall carry the funds of the Chapter in a bank in the name of the Chapter and shall issue checks from this fund.
(a) The Treasurer will be prepared to make written reports of revenues and expenses at all regularly scheduled chapter meetings and Board of Directors Meetings.
(b) The Treasurer will be required to be bonded. Rio Grande Chapter will pay the bonding fee.
(c) The Treasurer will be paid a fee of five hundred dollars per year.
(d) The Treasurer will be paid from the General Fund Account, provided funds are available.
Article VII Training Officer
The training and programs will be set up by the Training Officer. He will be responsible for providing programs and trainings to the Vice President and 2nd Vice President to implement. He will work closely with them to ensure that the programs and trainings are presented to the Chapter membership.
(a) A Training Officer must have at least 15 years “ experience” as an official or as approved by the Board, if less than 15 years. (b) The Board of Directors will take applicants until December 31st. The Board will decide during the first Board meeting of January who will be the Training Officer.
(c) The Training Officer must not be a standing Board Member or Officer.
(d) The Training Officer will serve a two year term.
(d) The Training Officer will be paid five hundred dollars per year and will be paid from the Training and Retention Fund.
Article VIII Board of Directors
(a) The Board of Directors shall act in an advisory capacity to the President.
(b) The Board of Directors shall have full power to adopt all regulations to govern its own deliberations within the framework of the Constitution and by-laws.
(c) The Board of Directors shall have full power to act and pass on all matters pertaining to the Association.
(d) The Board of Directors will serve as the Ethics Committee and will take whatever actions are necessary on ethical matters. Matters will be decided by majority vote.
Article IX Membership
(a) Regular members: Every football official who is a member of TASO is eligible for regular membership in Rio Grande Chapter TASO.
(b) Every regular member shall be required to pass the examination on football rules and mechanics as prescribed by TASO.
(c) No member shall be allowed to work varsity games until he has worked a total of at least ten (l0)sub-varsity games and passed the football rules test as directed by TASO. He must satisfy the Board of Directors that these requirements have been met.
(d) Membership shall be classified as Division I, Division II, Division III, Division IV, and Division V. Division I and II, members only shall be allowed to hold office, but any regular member may vote if in good standing.
(e) New members will be defined as a new member from his or her initial year.
(f) To be a member in good standing, all requirements promulgated by TASO and the local chapter shall be fulfilled.
(g) Knowingly officiating UIL football games at any level with other than fellow TASO - Football members is strictly prohibited, and grounds for suspension and/or forfeiture of membership.
(h) It is recommended that all members have an email address and phone number
(i) Members must pay TASO state dues before becoming eligible to be activated on assigning
. software.
(j) Members shall not drop assignment to take other assignment except for a Varsity Game.
Article X Dues
(a) The membership year shall begin annually on January 1st and end on December 31st of the same year. Members who have not complied in paying chapter dues by February 1st, will not be eligible, nor will be sanctioned to call varsity or sub-varsity games until their dues are paid. There is a $20.00 late fee for dues received untimely.
(b) Dues for local membership shall be determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Dues and penalty are subject to change depending on the financial condition of the Chapter and become due on December 31st of the current year.
(c) The membership of a member who fails to comply with the provisions of (b) by the end of December shall expire at that time.
(d) After January 1st of any year, an expired membership may be reinstated by procedure confirming with the provisions of TASO guidelines (b) with approval of the Board of Directors.
(e) New local members will pay local dues as determined by the Board of Directors.
(f) A member who fails to pay local dues shall not be allowed to work varsity or sub-varsity games until dues are paid. The Crew Chief (Referee) will be directly responsible to the Secretary and Treasurer that all members of his crew have paid all required dues prior to the first selection of officials for varsity games. The Crew Chiefs, (Referees) may pay any dues owed by any member of his crew thus ensuring that all his crews are members in good standing. The Crew Chief (Referee) will report any crew member who has not paid to the Secretary so that person may be replaced with someone who is in good standing. If a crew chief or member of his crew, whether knowingly or unknowingly, works a game for which they are not eligible, then they should appear before the ethics Committee for disciplinary action. This could include but is not limited to such things as a monetary fine, loss of a future game, etc.
(g) The Referee must turn in a Referee application and all crew members must sign the registration.
(h) Any member's check returned by a bank for any reason will be assessed the fee, if any, the bank charges the chapter.
(i) State dues are due and payable by due date set forth by State T.A.S.O. for the ensuing year. State dues are paid directly to the State organization. Any late fees are payable to them and the local chapter has no authority to collect State Dues.
Article XI Method of Selection of Officials
(a) The Rio Grande Chapter TASO has adopted a system of selection based on the team concept. This system will consist of a five (5) or seven (7) member crews. Each team must be made up from the Rio Grande Chapter.
(b) The method of selection can be changed only by majority vote of the regular membership present.
(c) Officials shall be selected on convenient date or dates prior to or during the season as determined by the Board of Directors. At the selection meetings any Board Member may be present. The Board may approve non Board members, if help is needed
(d) All schools serviced by the Rio Grande Chapter shall select officials on an equal basis; however, as each school reserves the right to agree on officials so has the official reserved the right to agree to work at any school. Each officiating team shall make its own determination as to its availability for game assignments.
(e) Replacement of Officials
(1) Notify the referee of the official's team involved and present a list of eligible officials.
(2) The referee will select several acceptable eligible officials.
(3) Notify both coaches of these recommended officials and secure their agreement for vacancy w replacement.
(4) Notify the accepted official and the team referee involved. As commonsense dictates, the Secretary will fill emergency vacancies as best he can.
(5) In case of a last minute emergency vacancy, the Varsity crew will consist of four officials.
(6) Crews are set for the entire season. If a member quits a crew, he will not be eligible to be on another crew until the following season. He may petition the Board for the second selection of officials, but the Board will have the final decision.
(7) Referees may remove a crew member without the approval of the Board. Officials may be removed for not being in good standing with the Chapter, his off the field demeanor, anything that reflects negative on him, the Crew, or the Chapter. The crew chief has final decision.
(8) On sub-varsity games, members will pay a no show fee of $35, when he fails to notify assignor of his absence in advance. A no show could lead to a member not being in good standing with the chapter.
(9) A member will pay $20.00 to the assignor for any game rejections when a member did not update calendar. If not paid, assignor my pull members assignments. This could also lead to a member not being in good standing with the chapter.
Article XII Uniforms
Uniforms as prescribed by the constitution and by-laws of TASO shall be worn by members of Rio Grande Chapter TASO. This is to include the optional uniforms approved by the State TASO.
Article XIII Officiating Fees and Travel Allowance
Approved maximum UIL game fee schedule govern varsity game fees, travel and meal allowance. Sub-varsity fees are also mandated by UIL. At all times Officials must be in compliance with HB 1204.
Article XIV Meetings
(a) The meeting schedule shall be determined by the Board of Directors each year. This shall include date, time, and location.
(b) All members must attend at least 80% of the Chapter's regularly scheduled meetings in order to work varsity football games during the ensuing year. Exceptions and excuses to this rule must be in writing and approved by the Board of Directors and are due by December 31st.
(c) No member with more than 2 unexcused absences will be eligible to work varsity games the ensuing year. Excuses will be limited to sickness, injury, employment requirements, or death in the family. Excuses must be turned into the Chapter Secretary via email prior to next meeting.
(d) The secretary or his representative will be responsible for maintaining attendance and insuring that all members meet the 80% attendance requirement. If a member fails to comply with the 80% attendance rules, he will not be eligible to be considered for selection in the ensuing year. Exceptions and excuses to this rule must be in writing and approved by the Board of Directors. To be a Member in good standing and eligible to vote or be eligible for the playoffs, a member must be in attendance to seven (7) meetings during the current year. Any two (2) or more point meeting may be substituted for a meeting missed. Exceptions and excuses to this rule must be in writing and approved by the Board of Directors.
(e) A member will be allowed to substitute a two (2) point educational workshop and/or state convention for a regularly scheduled chapter meeting.
Article XV Vote and Quorum
Fifty percent of the regular membership of the Chapter and majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a Quorum, but any member may move to adjourn a meeting. This section is for voting on actions that come up during the year.
Article XVI Administrative
(a) Members who fail to comply with the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws, either through negligence or for any reason within their control, or who fail to cooperate with the Officials and members of the Board of Directors shall, after due notice and hearing, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, have their dues forfeited and their membership canceled or be temporarily suspended or whatever other lesser actions are imposed at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
(b) Members who violate the provisions of the By-Laws, or fail to cooperate with the officers and the members of the Board of Directors in maintaining the purpose of the organization, its Code of Ethics, and the established solicitation policy may, after due notice and hearing in accordance with the TASO Ethics and Due Process Procedures, have their membership canceled.
(c) For due cause, to be determined in accordance with the TASO Ethics and Due Process Procedures, a member who has failed or refused to cooperate with the with the Board or any person assigned by the Board, may have their membership canceled.
Revised and changed November 7, 1994
Revised and changed November 6, 1995
Revised and changed November 5, 1996
Revised and changed November 3, 1997
Revised and changed November 6, 2000
Revised and changed November 2009
Revised and changed November 2012
Revised and changed November 2014
Revised and changed November 2015
Revised and changed November 2019